• Breaking News: VKids Trend Clinches Coveted Award! We are thrilled to announce that VKids Trend has been honored with the prestigious Outstanding Online Learning Excellence Award at the 2024 National Education & Learning Summit! This remarkable achievement underscores our unwavering…

  • In this blog article, we we have a very special interview with one of our education team members, Sukrathri A/P Sutham.  Hello, Sukrathri, can you share with us what were you working as before you joined our education team in…

  • In this blog article, we we have a very special interview with one of our education team members, Phoebe Lim. Hello, Phoebe Lim, can you share with us what were you working as before you joined our education team in…

  • Are you passionate about education and looking for a rewarding career that allows you to make a positive impact? VKids Trend offers an exciting opportunity for Malaysians to join an internet-based education platform, earn passive income, and contribute to transforming…

  • In this blog article, we we have a very special interview with one of our education team members, Kenneth and Jasmine. Hello, Kenneth and Jasmine, can you share with us what were you working as before you joined our education…

  • 在这篇博客文章中,我们对我们的一位教育团队成员进行了一次非常特别的采访, Ms Wong 黄老师.  你好,黄老师,能分享一下加入我们 VKids Trend 教育团队之前的工作经历吗? 我是一名拥有20年学校教书经验的老师。因为巨大的工作压力,压垮了健康的身体,2020年我选择裸辞我热爱的教育事业。为了生活,我当起一对一的家教补习老师,可是庞大的生活开销,让我不得不思考接下来的出路。 你是如何了解到 VKids Trend 的在线教育业务的?  疫情期间,为了帮助孩子有效的学习,偶然的机会我遇见了VSchool Trend Learning Program,一见这个学习系统我就爱上了。在家人的鼓励下,我勇敢把经营网络教育生意的这个机会拿起来! 很棒,当你第一次了解到我们时,你喜欢我们团队的什么呢? 当我加入后,我发现非常Powerful 的Support 系统,就是现在的Legacy System!我可以根据自己的时间和速度进行学习,而且还有Mentor 给我一对一指导,让我在加入的第二个月就达到月入超过Rm5000的收入,真的让我太兴奋了! 非常感谢你的赞美。 你为什么决定开始你的教育事业呢?是什么促使你迈出了第一步? 我热爱教育,可是因为身体亮起红灯,我不得不辞去教职工作。这份网络教育事业不但延续了我对教育的热爱,更加让我如愿在家照顾家庭和孩子,同时拥有一份可观的收入。 太棒了!   能告诉我你目前的经验如何,以及你想要实现什么吗? 我加入后,短短的12天,我就创造了接近RM2000的收入,第2,3,4个月我的收入连续三个月超过RM5000,真的太令人振奋了!在加入的第14个月,我以收入超过RM150,000荣登公司的Legend Ambassador!!!我一定要更努力,一定要在退休年龄到来之前达到财务自由! 哇,我们为你感到非常骄傲。   我们可以问一下,假设有人想要加入我们的团队开始他们的教育事业,你对他们有什么建议吗? 我常常跟孩子说:妈妈真的太迟才出来创业了!如果能早20年出来创业,今天我们的生活条件一定会更好! 如果您真的想达到财务自由,放弃打工的念头吧!这个不亏本的网络教育事业,万一您真的亏了,也绝对不会让您倾家荡产!可是万一成功了,那肯定是压缩了一般人努力10年才可能勉强达到的成果!人生才一趟,勇敢尝试一次,一定要给自己赢一次! 非常好的建议。 对于那些已经开始的人,你有什么智慧之言来帮助他们实现他们的目标和收入吗? 创业成功的路上并不拥挤,因为坚持的人太少!很多时候的成功,就是机遇刚好遇见正在努力拼命上进的您!设定好您的目标,确实落地去执行,坚持大量行动努力地去做,一定会达成您想要的成果。与您共勉:不是井没有水,是我们挖得还不够深!加油!攻顶的那一刻,您一定会感谢努力向上的自己! 黄老师,说得好! 非常感谢你抽出时间与我们交流。…

  • In this blog article, we we have a very special interview with one of our education team members, Lisa Ang.  Hello, Lisa Ang, can you share with us what were you working as before you joined our education team in VKids Trend? …

  •   In this blog article, we we have a very special interview with one of our education team members, Ivy Tay.  Hello, Ivy Tay, can you share with us what were you working as before you joined our education team in VKids…

  • In this blog article, we we have a very special interview with one of our education team members, Kelly Lew.  Hello, Kelly Lew, can you share with us what were you working as before you joined our education team in VKids Trend? …

  • In this blog article, we we have a very special interview with one of our education team members, Evonne (Tsen Mung Kiew). Hello, Evonne (Tsen Mung Kiew), can you share with us what were you working as before you joined…

  • In this blog article, we we have a very special interview with one of our education team members, Nurul Nadia Kzaman .  Hello, Nurul Nadia Kzaman , can you share with us what were you working as before you joined our education…

  • In this blog article, we we have a very special interview with one of our education team members, Krysttal Lim.  Hello, Krysttal Lim, can you share with us what were you working as before you joined our education team in VKids Trend? …